I was at the Reboldeaux Queen's Gate when I got myself into something
ok I steal this polaroid of Grace Berneili in a party from Ramiro. She's indeed hot, no wonder young boy like Romiro fall for her (then again he's such a playboy, later he would go for Lisa Lynway. Then again, he even already have a girlfriend of his age Xp)
ok, so now let's move to the point; How to get him

How to get him:
Level requirement - 1
  1. Talk to Ramiro at Queen's Gate.
  2. He will ask you to help defend a girl for 5 minutes. Mobs will come from 3 directions.
  3. Survive for 5 minutes to complete the mission.
Level requirement - 8

  1. Talk to Ramiro.
  2. This time, you will have to defeat him within 4 minutes.
  3. Now return to Ramiro to recieve your card.

Some Tips to Defeat Him:

  1. Though Ramiro is fairly easy, as he is Level 16. However things could go nasty since this quest is unlockable when you reach level 8, right after you rescue his girlfriend in the dungeon quest. In other word, you could actually going to fight a level 16 character while you're still low level! :P
  2. Ramiro is very fast and he have some elementalist skill. However, most of his attacks requires him to be near you. His fast movement sometimes can be quite unavoidable.
  3. If you have scout, defend him/her at all cost! Romiro has a tendency to attack your scout first. Keep your scout alive as you will need him/her a lot for the healing :P
  4. If you have Musketeer, this could be quite an easy game cause you Musketeer can aim him from far. Try to avoid using any skills cause Romiro could run away by time casting time finished (remember about me saying Ramiro is very fast?).
  5. If you use a fighter, you gonna chase him a lot around the area. Again, try to avoid using any skills cause if you missed him, your fighter will not attack for a few second after launching skill and you gonna be an easy target to Romiro. This is also the same reason I discourage musketeer to use skills as well.
  6. Almost as same as other characters, Romiro will not make any move or attack after he use his skills. If you manage to avoid his skill attacks earlier, and with a perfect timing, you can hit Romiro and you can even use your skill attacks on him. However, this requires a lot of good timings.

Hurray no you got him, but remember I said earlier he will go after Lisa Lynway? Well this is in fact, is for his Veteran Quest, in other word, Romiro needs to be Level 100 and the Veteren

Ramiro's Upgrade Quest:
Level requirement - Veteran
First go to Reboldeaux and talk to Lisa. You will taunt her and your party will have to "fight" her.(This is a fight you cannot win, as she is level 200 with 100 AR/DR) After you die, talk to her again and she will tell you to be a real man. She then tells you to visit Jack at the Stone Pit.

Go to the Stone Pit, and talk to Jack, he tells you that to be a real man, is to have lots of money. He says that he can put you to work for money, he needs you to make a Stone Construction Kit if you give him 10 Pieces of Rock and 20 Mysterious Powders, you agree. Talk to him again, and you get teleported to an instance in which you need to destroy rocks.(Solo Tiburon, but its not very hard, and besides, if you don't kill enough rocks to get the Ten pieces of rock needed you can always try again.) Ten Rock Pieces and 20 Mysterious Powders later, talk to him again, and he'll thank you by paying you(1 piece of gold, yay) You then feel cheated and say that you'd rather learn from Andre than Jack.

Go back to Reboldeaux, and talk to Andre. He feels touched that you'd finally like to become a real man, and is happy that you have come to your senses. Andre then tells you that a Real Man must be fashionable. He tells you to come to him with all of his level 84 armors so you can put them on.(~9.5m from him, if you don't have them already, buy them from the MM as from Andre its a pain. Also, be sure to have them in your inventory) Go back to him with all of his level 84 armors in your inventory and he'll ask you how you feel holding such works of pure fashion. You say that they seem expensive, and he tells you that expensive fashion brings out true beauty. You ask him if you can eat fashion, and he begins to yell at you to try them on for yourself to understand. After you try them all on, you realize that he's cheated you out of your money. Andre calls you low-class, and a Demon-Child, then he says your just like Claude. You tell him Even Claude would be better and storm off.

Go move over to Claude. you tell him that you want to be a real man. He laughs and then tells you that he killed three bears at your age, and that you don't look so bad yourself. He then asks you if you want to try something, you say yes and he tells you to kill a Sabretiger (Ustier Zona 1/2/3), a Golden Spider (Lago Celeste), and a Phobitan General (Topolo Durga).(You need to get an item from them, and can kill them with whomever you wish to use. For Golden Spider, you may use spinelles, and still complete it, you don't have to beat back the people who wait at its spawn. The item you get from them does not have a 100% drop rate it would seem though, as I had to kill two Phobitan Generals for his item) After you kill them, go back to Claude and he'll tell you that killing monsters and gaining honor is what it means to be a real man and laughs. You then think to yourself,"I should go see my sweet and smart Emilia!"

So, go and warp to Port of Coimbra and talk to Emilia, as she seems to be the only one left who can teach us what it means to be a real man.(Why does Emilia know this...?) You ask her what being a real man means. She says that that is a random question, but a real man is someone who protects others and puts them first, before himself. Now that you've learned what it means to be a real man from Emilia, so move over to the Cafe and talk to Lisa.

Back at Lisa, you tell her what being a true man means. She then comments on Emilia being so smart and asks you for a School uniform.(Has to be in your inventory, Cash shop only) You give it to her, and she says its a useless burden, and gives you a better uniform and some Vet. Polish. She tells you that someone important gave her that uniform, and that it has Ferruccio's energy in it. However, as it doesn't fit her, she'll give it to you. You feel the power of the costume and comment to yourself, "I'll be considerate of others...and turn them into my allies to colonize Granado Espada in my name! Muahahahaha!"

Now equip your +1 str costume, and watch your damage jump. Congratulations. Now you have to do it all over again for Tiburon, provided you vet him as well. However, its more or less the same.(By the way, you can only do each quest once, and have two +1 str costumes. Though each costume is usable by both Ramiro and Tiburon. So you can have a team of Two Ramiros and One Tiburon, but you can only have two costumes(+1 str) max.)

Then I was at City of Auch when a "depressed" signal was sent from El Tejado Verde
There, I finally saw a veteran Hellena in action. Can't wait to get her though

Ok now let's see what do we need to do to get her?
Note that before you can actually get Hellena, you need to finished all your Pioneering Quests and the Zeia quests. You also need to have Emilia/Emilia the Sage and Ania.

How to get:
Quest - Hellena (credit goes to book of wind)
Objective: Pre-requisite quest
Pre-requisite: Talk to Queen Hamaan using Emilia/Emilia the Sage
  1. Go to City of Auch and enter Villa de Libertad to talk to Simon.
  2. Go to Port of Coimbra and enter Pegadilla to talk to Calipso.
  3. Go to D2 of Cite de Reboldoeux and talk to the Burgundy Palace Guard.
  4. (Optional) Talk to Brunie, Eusebio, Andre, and Jack for some information regarding Chateau de Bourgogne.
  5. Return to barracks and remove two characters from the active MCC team, leaving only one. (The Chateau de Bourgogne raid is a special raid that requires participating families to control only one character each.)
  6. Go into the Reboldoeux Culverts and follow the paths to 4th room (the one without mobs) and click on the area transition to the right to start the quest version of the Chateau de Bourgogne raid. This instanced mission is similar to the actual raid, but the general difficulty is reduced to make it soloable with a single character.
  7. Within the mission, explore the first floor and defeat Prost, Emily, Celine, and Mario (any two of them will do). Click on the area transition at the end to move to the next level to confront Louis Arsene the 3rd. Louis is lvl105 in this mission. He will summon Prost, Mario, and Hellena to his aid as his hitpoints fall to various levels. Kill all.
  8. Return to Simon.

Objective : Hellena Character Card
Prerequisite : You must have completed the Pioneering quest line, Bahamar quest line, have Ania and Emilia/Emilia the Sage of any level, changed map/channel after previous quest. This is a continuation of the previous quest line.
  1. With Ania as team leader, go to Port of Coimbra and talk to Emilia.
  2. With Emilia as team leader, go to City of Auch and enter Villa de Libertad to talk to Simon.
  3. Go to G9 of City of Auch and talk to the Auch Infantry to enter the room.
  4. Talk to Hellena. At the end of the conversation:-
  5. Select the middle option to accept Hellena's request. Return to Hellena with three Elemental Jewels (10,000,000 vis each from Item Dealer) to receive Hellena's card.
  6. Select the last option to forfeit the chance to recruit Hellena forever. Return to Simon to receive Recipe - Dragon Heart as compensation.
  7. Choose wisely.

Last and not least, a letter from Master Claude Bauder. LoLz!

This is one of the last letter part of Claire's quest to get her
Now let's talk how to get her. Note that you need to have Claude in your team to activate her quest to get her Character Card

How to get:
Level requirement - 60
  1. Talk to Claire with Claude as leader. Claude can be of any level.
  2. Remove Claude from the group then talk to her again.
  3. She'll tell you to go talk to Jose and get a sword from him.
  4. Speak to Jose, but he'll want something to eat first.
  5. Buy an Avocado Sandwich from Lisa then return to Jose.
  6. After a short conversation with him you will be given two options: Option 1 is to pay him 500,000 vis and he will give you the sword Claire wants. Or you can choose Option 2 and help him on a quest to defeat three LV65 Escudo Pechers for the sword.
  7. Once you have the sword, return to Claire. She'll then ask you for another item.
  8. She'll ask for an Elemental Jewel which you can buy for a hefty 10,000,000 vis from an item dealer.
  9. Give her the jewel and she'll send you off to get three more items from people in Combira, Reboldeaux, and Auch.
  10. Talk to the Reboldeaux Investigation Officer and he'll give you an item.
  11. Talk to Emilia in Combira for another item.
  12. Finally, talk to Vincent in Auch.
  13. Return to Claire and give her all the items.
  14. For the final part, she'll send you out once again to get two rare ores from Bonavista River. You'll have to hunt Elite Cockatrice for the ore. If you thought Viki's quest was crossing the line, think again. Elite Cockatrice have an atrocious spawn rate, and can commonly be found at H4, G4, and F4 of Bonavista River, but in fact do spawn anywhere on the map. The ores are auto acquire and do not have to be picked up. Hence, you can do this quest in a squad.
  15. Give Claire the ores.
  16. Speak with Claude in Reboldeaux.
  17. Return to Claire and she'll join you.

Some Painful Facts in Getting Claire's Character Card Quest:
  1. You need Calude in your team. SO bye-bye who-ever have sell Claude's Character Card :P
  2. Control Claude character when you interact with Claire.
  3. You be needing to travel around the 3 cities; Auch, Coimbra and Reboldeaux
  4. You need a lot of money in her quest! 1st one is on Jose, around 50k vis, but luckily it was optional since you can choose not to pay him, but requires you to do a quest. 2nd is much more painful. You will have no choice but to spend 10 million vis just to buy the elemental jewel for Claire.....
  5. And finally, hunting the Elite Cockatrice for the two rare ore are painful enough! The spawn rate for the Elite Cockatrice is atrocious and they could be anywhere in the big map of Bonavista River!


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